
MB on Spotify - March summary

Greetings fellow metalheads!

March 2023 is officially over and I'm going to try and avoid the sore subject of not writing a summary for February. We have inflation rates spiking up around the world, so in this case if you're regular visitor you got less monthly summaries from me, even if you're clicking on our website's address with the same frequency. But since there are so many other articles with reviews and interviews here, you have to admit that the inflation rate here is still pretty low. And you can always keep an eye on our profile on Spotify, at least the playlists get more frequent updates.

Anyways, onto the releases and we start with the most interesting complete packages otherwise known as full length albums. There are a lot that will probably be listened to and commented frequently. We have new Viscera, Enslaved, Suicide Silence, NanowaR of Steel, Fange (one of my favourites for sure), Wilt, Night Demon, Invent Animate, Foretoken, Dawnfall of Gaia, Subway to Sally, Shores of Null, Saxon, Ov Sulfur, Ne Obliviscaris, Marianas Rest, Keep of Kalessin, Hanging Garden, Discreation (Marc Grewe on vocals), THRON, Sermon, Lordi, Bury Tomorrow and Ad Infinitum. This should cover at least one representative for most of the subgenres, but obviously I try finding as wide spectrum possible, so there's plenty more. Enough music to fill your whole holiday break (if you have any, that is) can be found under this link:

We obviously had some new EPs in March and they came from Profane Desecration, Primordial Serpent, Fluisteraars, Demon King, Hyperdontia, Necronomicon Ex Mortis, Mustan Luun Lapset, Ihsahn, Idolos, Countess, Burden, Neperia, After The Burial and TattvA. So if you just need to fill less than 5 hours with weird sounds head on to this playlist:

If you're in search for new bands or need to hear some of the best songs from the album before it's out, then most likely singles list is the one to check. We have Hellcrash, Cradle of Filth, Cloak, Tribulation, Lucifuge, Unearth, Phlebotomized, Omnium Gatherum, Born Through Fire, DevilDriver, Hideous Divinity, Tygers of Pan Tang, Holy Moses, Overkill, HammerFall, Thulcandra, Sylosis, Dieth, Immortal, Sirenia, Wormwitch, Stillbirth, Spirit Adrift, Metal Church, Jag Panzer, Imperishable, Graveworm, Fires in the Distance, Abiotic (with Matt Heafy), Bernth, Worm Shepherd, Deathstars, Legion of the Damned, Enforced, Cattle Decapitation, Shadow of Intent, Burning Witches (with Courtney Cox), Vorna and Demonical. Again, trying to cover all subgenres and a healthy balance between big names and new bands which steer metal to new territories. 16 and a half hour example that metal music is really rich can be found here:

I've managed to find only two splits released in March - Full of Hell with Primitive Man and Dispyt with Death Crusade. Both are on this list:

I don't think I've ever had that before, but I found only 3 live tracks which were released on Spotify in March - Epica (with Apocalyptica), Infected Rain and Groza. Either I've missed some or March was just not the month rich in live releases. Probably still worth seeing how these sound performing live, so here's the link:

We've got some great re-releases, Nuclear Assault definitely brought me back to my teenage years with their re-release of "Survive" with my favourite "Brainwashed" and their version of "Good Times, Bad Times" from Led Zeppelin. Nuclear Assault also re-released their "Out of Order" album, the list includes Behind the Horror "...And The Horror Begins", Jackal's Backbone did remaster of "As You Rot Away", Meshuggah gave us some peek into the 15th Anniversary re-release of "ObZen", Atlantis Chronicles released acousic "Hybris", Aggression gave us "From Hell with Hate", Lethian Dreams shared an instrumental version of "A Shadow of Memories" and Seas of the Moon decided to do an instrumental version of just one song - "Over You". All of these sounds can be found here:

And to close this list of lists - compilations. We've got "INEXPLICABLE" from VULNIFICUS, "Sous La Lune Noire" from Sorcier Des Glaces and "Despise the Living, Desecrate the Dead" from Abysmal Grief.

Obviously keep an eye on our profile, tomorrow (which is 7th April) the April playlists should get updated. And remember to share your favourites with other fellow metalheads and share some of your profits with the ones you enjoy the most. And remember to mosh responsibly \m/


Entered: 4/6/2023 11:15:43 AM