Night Demon - Official Website

Night Demon

United States Country of Origin: United States

Night Demon
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Type: EP
Release Date: November 27th, 2012
Label: Self Released
Genre: Heavy

Review by JD on August 11, 2013.

First looking at the name of the band on this EP I had got sent to me and I was expecting old school Black Metal or a take on Thrash. Either of which I would have been ecstatic about hearing anyways but on this occasion, this all was not the case. What you have here is truly old school Heavy Metal.

Sounding sort of like a stripped down Angel Witch, Motorhead and others like it in the NWOBHM movement with a little old school Punk as well. Californian based Night Demon takes you back to a time when metal was delivered simply and powerfully that never missed to blow our minds. No technical leads that go for six plus minutes, no nasty growled Death vocals or blistering speed of extremeness here – just basic and fun metal that seems to transcend from the early 80’s to today.

I love the simple, yet unmistakable catchiness this trio gives, while still being heavy as well. With four songs, it is a short experience, but one that brings me back to when I was first listening to all things metal. Just in hearing the title track with its uncomplicated hook, it is then when it shows the power of the simpler older styles of metal to still move and entertain. This original style of metal may not be technical, deeply heavy or one that pummels you with unending blastbeats but the music still commands a high level of respect despite being pretty basic.

I found the EP a refreshing change from the more modern styles out there. It may seem dated, but give it a try. Sometimes going with an uncomplicated plan of attack, reaps mega rewards of being so enjoyable. Night Demon has utilized this to perfection. The album is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but enjoyment sometimes can’t be complicated.

Categorical Rating Breakdown

Musicianship: 7
Atmosphere: 7
Production: 7
Originality: 7
Overall: 6.5

Rating: 6.9 out of 10
