Elektrik Mistress - Official Website

Elektrik Mistress

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Elektrik Mistress
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Type: Full-Length
Release Date: 2001
Label: Echo Relations Inc.
Genre: Groove, Rock
1. Rock Star
2. Vertigo
3. Looking For
4. Malana Dabba
5. Blakk Room
6. Shining Star
7. Deceit
8. On The One
9. Cup Of Sorrow
10. Heavy Handed
11. Maya

Review by Tobias on April 17, 2002.

Somewhere in a penumbra of grunge, hard rock and metal, Elektrik Mistress is about as inspiring as their name.

Terry Brown, famed for his production work with Rush, Voivod and Fates Warning seems to have agreed to produce this mediocre garage band for only god knows what reasons. While the band seems to have a good time doing what they do, and play some tunes that might get a suburban sports bar rocking, there doesn’t seem to be much talent on this album.

To add to it, I’m not sure if it was intentional, but the acoustics of the album sound like the entire disc was recorded in an underground wash echoing and leaving a sense of empty space.

Even though there are some reasonable rock n’ roll elements, in general, this is really cheesey music. Songs like ‘Shining Star’ have lyrics that I might sing to my own ass while trying to squeeze out a motherload into my toilet.

I think the most interesting thing on this album are the bass lines. The guitar riffs are droll and seem to have ripped off many of the songs I wrote in the bands I was in as a tyke.

Well, I really have nothing more to say because there isn’t too much on this album to speak of.

Bottom Line: Not bad, but not much metal either. Palatable for many social situations, but I have yet to think of one where this would fit well.

Categorical Rating Breakdown
Musicianship: 5
Atmosphere: 6
Originality: 5
Production: 5
Overall: 5

Rating: 5.2 of 10
