Oranssi Pazuzu - Official Website - Interview


Finland Country of Origin: Finland

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Type: Full-Length
Release Date: February 26th, 2016
Genre: Black, Psychedelic
1. Saturaatio
2. Lahja
3. Värähtelijä
5. Vasemman Käden Hierakia
6. Havuluu
7. Valveavaruus

Review by Adam M on February 18, 2016.

Oranssi Pazuzu performs a warped take on black metal. It has post elements and otherwise. The sound is somewhat atonal and makes for a unique listen.

The music here is droning and repetitive, but puts up a psychedelic haze over everything. The songs approach noise, but there is always enough melody at work to alleviate this impression. These distorted rhythms are affecting and hold your interest for long periods of time. It’s hard to categorize this music because there isn’t much else that is like it at the moment. There are a variety of moods that are created by the music. The most prominent one is a contemplative type that makes you think about yourself in a fine fashion. This is interesting, but at the same time there is a small lack of excitement here. It comes across to me that the music is just a little too sparse and could be bolstered by a fuller sound. The mood is dark, but not evil sounding. The overall effect is a subtle one that gets under the skin. Adding to the drawn out nature of the recording is a long running time. For some people this will be an all-around interesting experience, but I believe it might drag a bit for others. There is simply not a huge enough sound to become attached to. The music tends to fade into the background a bit overall. Given the right listener, however, there is a lot to like on this album. Opening track Saturaatio is certainly a highlight and creates a nice dystopic mood. It sets the tone for the rest of the release nicely.

The bottom line is that some may consider this a noise endeavor, but the atmosphere reaches further into the realms of black metal. Varahtelija also is an album that has an impact from the black metal atmospheres it creates. Fans of ambient type stuff will find something to enjoy here for sure.

Rating: 7.5 out of 10
