Zombiefication - Official Website

At The Caves Of Eternal

Mexico Country of Origin: Mexico

1. At The Caves Of Eternal
2. Disembodied Souls
3. Soul Collector
4. In The Mist
5. Passage Of Darkness
6. In The Gallery Of Laments
7. The Crypt
8. In The Shadowed Garden
9. Slaves Whisper Your Name

Review by Maciek on March 24, 2013.

So, the wait is over. On 8th of April 2013 new masterpiece from Mexican Zombiefication is coming out. And it is great. They are masters of creating an atmosphere of something sinister coming, and the overall musical climate evolves around tension. I guess the main element of creating that feeling is the melody lines played throughout the album in many tracks.

In the beginning I thought "Wait a minute. Have I heard this melody line in the previous track?" And then I realize that it's just another perfect piece of the whole, the album which is musically intense, I almost feel like wheezing just because of listening to them. Most important elements of this intoxicating blend are guitars using at least four different effects, but very important part is played by amazing work of drums. I have to say, that without so many different rhythms played in the background, switches between bass-drum based beats and cacophony of all sizes of cymbals make this album very dynamic. When you try to imagine how hard work is put in the rhythmical section in this band...I'm wheezing again. You can hear some eastern influences to the melody lines, solos are very "heavy metal" which sometimes reminds me of good times of brilliant works by Michael Denner in Mercyful Fate, but the genre presented on this album is definitely leaning towards Death/Doom Metal, a bit of Samael with a vocalist really screaming with all the power in his lungs. Another thing to point out is that bass guitar has a great distortioned sound which again with those great melody lines makes me think of early Entombed, possibly my favourite "Clandestine". Or Edge Of Sanity. And the influences of Slayer can be heard here as well.

So to sum up if you add it all together, put some fresh air in those old annals of metal, you get Zombiefication's new album. Great piece of material with 'In The Gallery Of Laments' as my favourite.

Categorical Rating Breakdown

Musicianship: 10
Atmosphere: 10
Production: 8
Originality: 9
Overall: 9

Rating: 9.2 out of 10
