Macabre Omen - Official Website

Gods Of War - At War

Greece Country of Origin: Greece

Gods Of War - At War
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Type: Full-Length
Release Date: February 20th, 2015
Genre: Black, Epic, Pagan

Review by Arek on September 13, 2015.

Macabre Omen is a duo of multi-instrumentalists Alexandros and drummer T.J.F. Vallely. Music proposed by those Greeks is pagan black metal with very strong influences of Quorthon’s work but in Greek styling. Eight songs-hymns give us more than an hour of music. The fascination with Bathory from the time of Blood Fire Death and Hammerheart is almost palpable. Some of the listeners will probably disapprove, because it is so non-genuine ... but I shit on these opinions! Gods Of War-At War is really a great album.

Although at the very beginning of getting into the second full length album of those Greeks, I myself also criticized it slightly, pleasure of absorbing further sounds was unbound however, and grew after each subsequent listen. There is so many different flavors of classic guitar and many other strange instruments, wind noise, sea, creaking of wooden boats anchored to the waterfront, crackling of burning wood and many other sounds. This music creates images; all you need to do is to close your eyes. There’s black metal energy that comes out and the characteristic for the Greek bands cadaverous-climate.

Vocals of Alexandros are multidimensional, from epic singing to hysterical screams like they were ripped from throat of Tschösi from Messiah (first albums). Moreover, the announcement before "From Son To Father," reminded me of the announcement made on "Hymn To Abramelin" from the same Swiss. At this time the expired force of ancient gods returned, and given in Macabre Omen version fully convinced me.

I suggest you listen to the music of Gods Of War-At War lying under the stars by the campfire, and preferably on the Hellenic sun warmed rock, sipping Metaxa or Ouzo. I myself am gonna do it at the earliest opportunity.

Rating: 9 out of 10
