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Invoking The Abysmal Night |
Review by Felix on September 9, 2023.
Welcome to the new black goat manifest where wolves of Belial howl their hymn to the firewinged one. In other words: here comes Aegrus’ fourth black metal storm over the full distance of 41 minutes. This band has been a very reliable distributor of the most infernal form of music so far and I see them in the first row of Finnish black metal, together with Behexen (will they ever return?) or Malum. Invoking The Abysmal Night is another black mass without any external influences, a pure onslaught of diabolic anthems. Do you have just the smallest instinct for aesthetics? Then have a look at the overwhelming artwork, enjoy it and understand that it does not make a promise the represented music cannot keep. Now you have the first indication concerning the enormous quality of the musical content.
Aegrus have had a knack for very attractive compositions right from the beginning. Invoking The Abysmal Night continues the tradition of absolutely gripping pieces. Once again, the band finds a nearly perfect way to present itself. The songs shine with musicality, maturity, coherence, atmosphere, aggression, high velocity, density and fervour. 'Temple Of Ardent Worship' is a piece that brings all these elements into full bloom. Some of its parts burn with apocalyptic intensity, while other sequences do not forget the melodic, immaculately flowing guitar lines. Surely, Inculta’s malignant vocals are surely not unique, but full of authentic hate and raw force. Not to mention the precise high speed drumming. Aegrus create a devilish beast that is full of energy, violence and seductive power. This track alone justifies the purchase of the album – but there are definitely more reasons to add it to your (and my) private collection. The brilliant sound is just one of them. For fans of raw black metal or lo-fi demos (trve cvlt, of course…), Aegrus may sound a bit too polished, but I like the professional mix, because it does justice to the harsh yet never barbaric approach of the Finns.
Another detail I appreciate very much is that the musicians are always able to intensify their songs in a matter of seconds without hurting the organic flow of them. 'Followers Of The False Prophets' is a very good, stomping mid-paced piece with a numinous undertone right from the start. But it gets even better after three minutes when the band accelerates the tempo. A fantastic, menacing melody line during the final 60 seconds adds the finishing touch. This great configuration is no isolated case. Aegrus always have some aces up their sleeve, but they do not put too many ideas into one song. Instead, the musicians never forget to come to the point quickly. The comparatively short 'Through Devil’s Breath' underlines this thesis – and, once again, the furious ending spreads apocalyptic vibrations. This is great and the inspiring song titles are cleverly chosen as well. No doubt, Aegrus know how to talk to their target group.
Believe me, it's really a tough job to listen to Invoking The Abysmal Night, but only if you absolutely want to find something crappy. I admit that I am not quite sure whether or not the unexpected instrumental part with this almost Testament-ballad-compatible solo in 'Nocturnal Rites Of Faust' enriches the portfolio of the guys with the luciferic-soaked souls. But the typical sequences of this track, the parts where absolutely no light shimmers through the acoustic harbinger of Armageddon make up for this. Some hellish chords, garnished with a short "Ugh", have the power to drive you mad – out of joy (if you have a good music taste) or despair (bad music taste). And so the album progresses, full of self-confidence, with maximum strength and a strange yet fascinating mixture of cruelty and dignity.
All in all, the B side is a bit more experimental than the A side. The short sequence with the solemn vocals in 'Those Who Hide From Light' plays a role in this and the closer is a typical last song that heralds the approaching end with a big portion of pretty melodic melancholy. Nevertheless, even this track holds some brute sequences. Abysses open up, but you and me know the right way, correct? However, each and every of the seven songs of this soon-to-be-classic provides irrefutable proof of the fire that blazes in the hearts of the band members. If this album doesn't convert you to the yet-to-be-founded religion called Finnish black metal, your soul is truly lost.
Rating: 9.3 out of 10