Malpertuus - Official Website


Belgium Country of Origin: Belgium

1. Demoniah's Elegy (Prologue)
2. The Cry That Kills
3. Dawn Of The Last Day
4. Seven Thrones Beyond The Heavens
5. Divine Theology
6. The Shining Soul
7. Prophecies Of War
8. Odyssea
9. Strijdhymne Der Nachtlegioenen

Review by JD on April 25, 2010.

I am one of these strange people that like when old school metal of any kind meets some innovation that makes it stand right out... When someone takes the old metal and ups it into something thrashing heavy and breathes new life into it. Now that I have said that, I go on to review the one man Belgium based Black Metal called Malpertuus.

Malpertuus have all the makings of the standard Black Metal that is out there at the moment, but there is this extra sort of feel to it that is new, refreshing as it is powerful. The sound of the whole album is raw and dark - hearkens back to the beginning of what we call Black Metal today (Bathory, Venom ect)... but with such great genius, the man adds in this sort of militaristic sort of drum beats that adds an extra punch of energy.
Each malevolent track explodes and hits you squarely with both talent and demonic explosiveness. The album seems to be powered by a metallic fury that could only be described as an infernal damnation of sound and words, which explores the deepest and most vile nightmares and darkest fears of every Christian out there, and takes them down into the fiery pits of Hades itself.

Uncompromising, unabashed and plainly old school Black Metal... It seems that Malpertuus has reared its horned head, shifted itself and the clawed hand of the darkened death had come down like Thor’s Hammer on the land. True Black Metal with a great twist...What fun!!
Categorical Rating Breakdown 

Atmosphere: 9
Production: 8
Originality: 9
Overall: 9

Rating: 8.6 out of 10
