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Bones Of This Land Are Not Speechless / English Black Punk Metal
Old Corpse Road / The Meads Of Asphodel

United Kingdom Country of Origin: United Kingdom

1. Hob Headless Rises
2. The Devil's Footprints
3. The Witch Of Wookey Hole

Review by JD on July 24, 2010.

Split CD’s are sometimes the best sway to be showcasing two great bands. Or it can show a band that is not quite ready for having a proper full album. Either way, it is interesting to see what ever the packaging could bring to the table.

UK’s Old Corpse Road is one of the bands I really do appreciate. They play the style of brutally heavy Pagan Metal just the way I like it to be done. This is just the next step in their journey, a journey that I am glad to be on with them. They have equal amounts of being massively heavy yet have a amazing amount of talent that just accents their sheer force... not too many other bands can combine the two. The only drawback is that I want a full album, but I gotta be patient I guess.

The Meads Of Asphodel hails also from Britain as well, playing true Black Metal with the added punch of Death Metal. Powerful as they are unrepentant of their dark leanings, they match up well with OCR and makes this split CD totally enjoyable. With heaviness matching up with power, this band should be acclaimed for not only musically being punishing, but with the ability to write engrossing and smart lyrics that match up so well with the music.

This split CD is one of the best I have heard displaying to deserving bands. It is worth your while to get it, especially if these are bands you don’t know yet. Both deserve and need to be listened to, to be appreciated and just to be.

Categorical Rating Breakdown

Atmosphere: 8.5
Production: 9
Originality: 8.5
Overall: 8.5

Rating: 8.7 out of 10
