Malevolent Creation - Interview

US death metal legend Malevolent Creation is one of the oldest bands in this genre and released some really groundbreaking stuff in the past. I was pretty much excited to find out that the band is quite active again and currently working on some new stuff. Despite all tragedies that happened during the last few years and many line-up changes they don't give up and this is really good. I sent some questions to the only founding member left Phil Fasciana, and – thanks again for that, Phil – he responded my questions very promptly. Enjoy reading and look forward to their 14th beast!


Hi Phil, how you're doing? Thanks for making the interview especially since it's your first one for…how long? Maybe you can tell about the reasons for not having done interviews for such a long time?

Thank you for sending the interview Mike and let's get into it. I haven't done any press since 2019 when MC released The 13th Beast album and did a South American Tour and half of a tour in Europe that got stopped half way through in March of 2020 because of Covid. During the Covid lockdown I was involved in a horrible car accident and injured my lower back/spine, my neck/upper spine and left shoulder which left me with a torn rotary cuff. We had a US and European Tour arranged and I was not able to travel because of my injuries even though I considered it, but all the doctor's I had been seeing for treatments told me if I were to leave to go on tour and stop treatment they would stop treating me and I would have to find new doctors. I did not want to seek new doctors because it took me so long to get doctor appointments with the current doctors I have been seeing for the last year. I have to see my primary doctor, my pain management doctor, a physical therapist and neurologist, and it really has been just so much to deal with every month and seeing each doctor twice a month. I have to have surgery on my left shoulder and lower back because it's the only way to try to repair the damage I have. I was told after surgery I will need at least 3-4 months of recovery time so I am working on the 14th MC studio release with my band and getting ready to demo all the new material before recording the album this summer.

You've just told me that you are currently working on some new stuff for Malevolent Creation – can you tell some more about that please?

Yes I am currently writing new songs for the next MC album alongside our vocalist/ 2nd guitarist Deron Miller (X-CKY) drummer Ronnie Parmer and bassist. We are getting together here in Florida soon to record demos of the new material and rehearse a new 30 song setlist of songs from all our albums. Many songs have not been played live in a long time or ever in some cases. We just have too many songs in the last 32 yrs.

You haven't changed too much in your style since 1991, can we expect some surprises on your 14th regular album?

Not too much, only trying to write some extremely heavy songs that will come across great when played live. Of course they are very fast with a few mid tempo arrangements to keep the music interesting. I'm sure there will be some changes when we all get together to arrange the new material and lyrics that are being done by Deron Miller. I am really looking forward to recording this new material with Deron and Ronnie because they are both great musicians and understand the MC sound. We all just want to put together some great songs and have some fun. It will be a big relief to get all this new material sorted out.

Do you already have an album title / song titles?

No song titles as of yet or an album title yet because a lot of things will change while arranging the new songs musically and lyrically. They always do so I don't want to announce any song titles I have until we all have agreed the songs are completely finished and will no longer change. The album title will most likely be announced first so we can make sure all the song titles fit alongside the album title.

With the terrible war in Ukraine and the pandemic you have a lot of possible lyrical influences. Will there be some lyrics influenced by these things?

The war in Ukraine is just unbelievable and I cannot believe this war is still going on a year after it started. It really sickens me and it's hard to believe what an animal Putin is and how the Russian people can sit by and watch this unfold. I honestly hope this war will come to an end soon so the Ukrainian people can start rebuilding their country with the help from the US and the other countries in Europe. No country deserves to be treated like this especially Ukraine who unfortunately is located surrounded by Russia. I know we could easily write lyrics about this atrocity in Ukraine or the Covid pandemic but there is too many bands already doing this and I believe that we should go in a different direction. Although Malevolent Creation has always written lyrics about War throughout the ages since our first album The Ten Commandments, but I really believe complaining about the Covid lockdown has been beaten to death by now. I don't think it would be smart to write anti Russia lyrics either. I'm sure Deron has more ideas lyrically and we will be sorting that out soon enough.

What about the artwork? The one on "The 13th Beast" was really a great one? Will there be some follow-up to that or something totally different?

It is possible that we may work with the same artist German Latorres from Chile again who did the artwork for the last 2 studio albums Dead Man's Path and The 13th Beast as well as some great artwork used for merchandise. When we decide on an album title we will contact the same artist German Latorres and see what ideas he has and have him send us those ideas. He is also one of the best tattoo artists on the planet and his tattoo artwork is even better then our album artwork done by him. We have many options to work with but I am sure we will give him the first chance to provide us with new artwork. I believe we could go with something less involved or even more involved. It is too early to tell at this point. The music is my main concern right now.

On which label will the album come out? Is it still Century Media?

The next album will be released on Back On Black Records from the UK for Europe and the UK and we are deciding what label will release our new album in North and South America. There are some really great options for us right now and Back On Black has actually bought the rights to every MC release from 1995 till now including all 5 live albums and 5 Best Of compilations as well as our 3 demo's from 1987, 1988 and 1990 in various formats. Every release has now been remastered and re released on Vinyl (various colored vinyl), CD and cassette with incredible packaging. It's unbelievable how many releases are now re released in such incredible formats from Back On Black Records. Go to or and search for Malevolent Creation and you will not believe how many cool releases are now available again. Great for us to bring on tour with us now and help promote sales from all these killer recordings.

You are the only founding member left – is this sometimes hard for you to be the "last dinosaur" on planet Malevolent Creation?

No, not at all! I have been doing everything for Malevolent Creation since me and Bret Hoffman (R.I.P.) formed the band in 1986 and recorded our first demo in 1987. If I had ever had to rely on any of the past members nothing would have ever got accomplished. Everyone else we formed the band with just fell to the wayside and I had to move to Florida in 1987 from Buffalo, NY to continue the bands journey. Although I have worked with many musicians over the years, I have been the primary song writer and have kept MC's music alive and will continue to do so until I feel I am no longer interested in playing and recording new music.

With Brett Hoffman another founding member and I guess also a very good friend of yours died in 2018 because of cancer. How much are you still concerned about that if I may ask about that?

The topic of my best friend and musical partner Bret Hoffmann since I was 14 yrs old has been very hard for me to talk about since his passing. It was too much for me to mentally and emotionally. Not only was he the best song writing partner, he was my best friend since I was 10 yrs old. And the amount of things we have gone through together including all the good times and bad is just enormous. When I think of all the things we accomplished together like the recording of our 3 demo tapes and the MC albums we have recorded together as well as all the touring we have done together around the world I am so glad I was able to experience those things with my best friend Bret Hoffmann. We truly did some monumental things together with Malevolent Creation and I wish he was still here to today because he made everything so fun to do and so many good laughs we have had in our lives. He will be missed by me and many people that knew him. If you were fortunate to know Bret you would know what a special person he was and one of the funniest persons you could ever meet. That is what I will miss the most and not a day goes by where I don't think of him. I now will always feel happy to discuss all things regarding Bret Hoffmann and will dedicate everything MC does in the future to Bret Hoffmann. Without him I don't think we could ever accomplished the many things we had done together. He was a very unique person and great frontman and I will forever miss him by my side onstage.

If you ask fans about their favorite MC albums, most mention "The Ten Commandments", "Retribution" and "Eternal". In my opinion an absolutely underrated album is "Stillborn" which is so much criticized because of its production. Will there ever be a re-recording of it? What do you think is the best MC album and for which reason?

I have a special place in my heart for all the Malevolent Creation studio albums actually. Not so much the last album The 13th Beast because of all the problems we had with vocalist/2nd guitarist Lee Wollenschlaeger and drummer Phil Cancilla who really let me down. There are too many issues to bring up right now but the main problem was they're lack of dedication to touring and learning all the past material correctly. They were both let go very early in the touring process and both really let me down considering the opportunity I gave both of them. I am so glad that is behind me now and I can move forward with great musicians again. We actually did re-record 2 songs from Stillborn on the Dead Man's Path album and they finally were recorded properly and with great production. We will most likely re-record a few more tracks from that album when we record the next studio album soon this year. Of all the albums I really love the Dead Man's Path album because it was recorded properly and with good musicians and was the last studio recording with Bret Hoffman who did an incredible job on that album. Like I said I really enjoy all the MC albums but Dead Man's Path was more recent and the songs came together very easily.

Do you already figuring out something about going on the road in 2023/24 or is it still too early for such plans? Hope to see you on stage again, the last time I did was 1995 in Essen!

Our booking agent for Europe and the UK is now booking us festival dates for Europe as well as a tour based around the festival shows. Everything is in the works and will be posted online asap. We also have plans to tour everywhere else in the world and that information will be posted asap as well. Main goal is to get a new album recorded first and then get over to Europe and start playing live with this great line up.

Thank you very much for taking the time for the interview!

Thank you for the interview Mike and it was my pleasure to do it for you. Stay in touch and look for studio album # 14 in 2023 by Malevolent Creation. Cheers!!!

Entered: 3/13/2023 3:58:12 PM

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The 13th Beast The 13th Beast
Full-Length (2019)
Dead Man's Path Dead Man's Path
Full-Length (2015)
Invidious Dominion Invidious Dominion
Full-Length (2010)
Essentials Essentials
Compilation (2009)
Lost Commandments Lost Commandments
Video/VHS (2008)
Doomsday X Doomsday X
Full-Length (2007)
Created Live Created Live
Video/VHS (2006)
Warkult Warkult
Full-Length (2004)
The Will To Kill The Will To Kill
Full-Length (2002)
Envenomed Envenomed
Full-Length (2000)
Manifestation Manifestation
Compilation (2000)
The Fine Art Of Murder The Fine Art Of Murder
Full-Length (1998)
In Cold Blood In Cold Blood
Full-Length (1997)
Joe Black Joe Black
Compilation (1996)
Eternal Eternal
Full-Length (1995)
Live Death Live Death
Split (1994)
Stillborn Stillborn
Full-Length (1993)
Retribution Retribution
Full-Length (1992)
The Ten Commandments The Ten Commandments
Full-Length (1991)

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