Headline News
DETHRONED - A Bridge To Eternal Darkness
Here comes Dethroned, another black metal formation from Germany that intends to implement fear in the hearts of the audience. A...
558GAMA BOMB - Bats
Fun thrash (or speed) is not my metier. Of course, it’s not the thrash which is problematic. It is the so-called fun element....
792OATHBRINGER - Tales Of Valor
One of the greatest albums within the Serbian metal scene that we got in recent years was without a doubt Tales Of Glory by the...
1.25kNORRHEM - Sielunvihollinen / Norrhem
Here we finally get a split whose cover makes sense. The involved bands are depicted by the two creatures. The taller guys...
392ILDSKÆR - Blod & Jern
I was in Denmark in April/May 2005 and, naturally, I visited the memorial place “Düppeler Schanzen”, to use the German name. In...
754INNER HATE - Worthless Throne
I haven't followed the metal scene in North Macedonia that much to be honest, although the bands I have discovered did turn out...
338Trivax with Shayan (guitars, vocals)
In this day and age, many people complain how very few modern metal bands carry the pure essence of extremity and aggression in...
869INNOCENTIA - ...And Winds Shall Caress
Innocentia is a new face in the Croatian metal scene which dabbles in depressive and atmospheric black metal, consisted of two...
510DERDIAN - New Era Part IV - Resurgence
The moment that I saw my favorite Italian stalwarts Derdian’s eighth studio release named New Era Part IV - Resurgence I had some...
454INCULTER - Morbid Origin
So here we finally have the third album Morbid Origin by Norwegian black-thrashers Inculter. Kicking off with a very emotional...
1.02kLive update from Proxima Club, November 22, 2023 Warsaw, Poland
Polish part of Swords Into Flesh Europe Tour 2023. It's freezing outside, so we quickly enter the club. A short inspection, a...
658Sulphur Aeon with T. (guitars)
With "Seven Crowns And Seven Seals" German occult death metal pioneers Sulphur Aeon, not only go far beyond their usual brand but...
1.38kCRUCIAMENTUM - Obsidian Refractions
Finally, eight long years after the stunning debut Charnel Passages the guys from Cruciamentum have mercy on us and serve up...
966SYLOSIS - A Sign Of Things To Come
A new millennium staple of UK thrash, Sylosis have however always eluded my radar, not least for their prominent metalcore/groovy...
386LOWEST CREATURE - Witch Supreme
Keeping in line with decidedly un-Scandinavian killer crossover thrash from, well, Scandinavia, Lowest Creature from Örebro,...