Hexenbrett - News

MB Premiere and Review: HEXENBRETT - 'The Spider Song'

HEXENBRETT is back with the debut record "Zweite Beschwörung: Ein Kind Zu Töten" that is set for release through Dying Victims Productions on May 22nd, 2020. Following hot on the heels of the vinyl release of "Erste Beschwörung", the first full-length of the new force of occult metal takes the same line as its predecessor.

Josto Feratu and Scarlettina Bolétte, the duo behind HEXENBRETT, capture the atmosphere of horror and combine it with a many-sided musical formula, including unorthodox black metal, deathrock and a massive dose of pathological insanity. The artists don't shy away from opulent, almost bombastic moments, they connect solemn parts with the cruel voice of the charismatic lead vocalist, and they like to give full speed whenever it suits the material.

I know, roughly 35 years ago, Martin Eric Ain was still living (R.I.P.) and Tom G. Warrior was asking "are you morbid?", but don't confuse the Hellhammerian morbidity with that of HEXENBRETT. The Swiss cult sent greetings from the sulphurous pits of hell, while here the protagonists emerge as true kings of subtle horror. You sit comfortably in your wing chair, the best place of your cleared living room? Well, this status will change quickly, because the feeling of fear will come crawling in and will take possession of you. The output's relatively warm sound was just produced to keep the listener in a false sense of security. Thus, it's better to leave your living room. Don't listen alone to this work, do it together with someone else. The best partners for this listening session are the grim reaper, the corona virus or a sadistic mother-in-law with a stable frying pan she likes to shatter on your head.

Full review of HEXENBRETT's new album "Zweite Beschwörung: Ein Kind Zu Töten" can be found here.


Josto Feratu
Scarlettina Bolétte



Entered: 4/29/2020 11:48:45 AM